The Bitter Reality of Afghanistan – with Malalai Joya

The Bitter Reality of Afghanistan – with Malalai Joya

Behold the effect of white phosphorus bombing on a young girl’s skin. Afghan lawmaker Obaidullah Helali, who headed a delegation investigating this massacre from US bombing in the western province of Farah, confirmed that it took the lives of 95 children.

The talk from Malalai Joya was recently hosted in Sydney by Pip Hinman on behalf of the Stop The War Coalition and chaired by Kellie Tranter, lawyer and human rights activist. The visual material comes mainly from Malalai, with a few additions, notably from, site of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.

I had to go digging on RAWA and elsewhere when Malalai started talking about things that weren’t illustrated in her slides. While searching, I came upon another “slideshow” of 76 photos, published here by The Week on May 2, 2012. Flicking through them, I began counting the female faces. There was only one; that of Hillary Clinton.

Malalai Joya presents Afghanistan in stark contrast, from a woman’s and a child’s perspective, while digging deep into the issues of opium, corruption and bribery.

Afghan Warlords

"My country hasn't been liberated: it's still under the warlords' control, and Nato occupation only reinforces their power." Malalai Joya

Behold the effects of white phosphorous bombing on a young girl's skin. Farrah Province, Afghanistan, May 2009



Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)

Social Association of Afghan Justice-Seekers (SAAJS)

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan

Stop the War Coalition, Sydney

About CaTⓋ

Artist, musician, nerd
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2 Responses to The Bitter Reality of Afghanistan – with Malalai Joya

  1. Colin Hills says:

    I hate to think what is going to happen to the women of Afganistan when US and NATO forces leave the country or maybe they are happier under the Taliban?

  2. Tammy says:

    The war in Afghanistan is over an oil-pipe. The propaganda asitrts will use whatever they can to further the agenda of their masters. Think of this: It doesn’t matter how many people know that everything that we are being told is bulllshitt, the bulllshitters are the ones who tell us that the masses still believe their bulllshittt. They have genuinely cornered the bulllshitt market. Only by completely removing the whole Mass- news -Media from their life, can any human again enjoy the fantastic rewards of being able to think. And a thinking population is the one thing that our master genuinely fear. +4Was this answer helpful?

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