* Up to 5214 visitors per day – our record so far, when we featured the Australian Juice Media team.
* Over half of our readers live in the United States.
* Almost 10% of our readers are Chinese – 您好 !!
And we have a great following here in Australia, mate… Here are the 79 countries we reach, by order of popularity. “Unknown” means that the readers do not reveal their location:
US, Australia, China, Germany, UK, Canada, Russia, Japan, Unknown, Netherlands, France, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, Moldova, NZ, Italy, Brazil, Romania, India, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Mexico, Indonesia, Belgium, South Africa, Austria, Thailand, Singapore, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Philippines, Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Turkey, Iceland, Argentina, Hungary, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Greece, Qatar, Egypt, North Korea, Estonia, Israel, Malaysia, Nigeria, Trinidad And Tobago, Europe, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Portugal, Poland, Unknown, Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Luxembourg, Jordan, Colombia, Morocco, Chad, Nepal, Honduras, Guatemala, Malta, Macedonia, Unknown, Ecuador, Slovakia, Paraguay…