Tag Archives: Justice Stefan Lindskog

Lindskog Hopes No More Illegal Rendition & London Interrogation OK

“I would like to comment upon the possibility of the prosecutor to go to London. It is possible that the prosecutor could travel to London and interrogate him there. I have no answer to the question why that hasn’t happened.” Justice Stefan Lindskog, Supreme Court of Sweden Continue reading

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Julian Burnside vs Justice Stefan Lindskog

I was sent an audio recording of Julian Burnside’s speech last night at the University of Adelaide. It was pretty low volume but I’ve manage to make most of it clear and audible. It is regrettable that more professionally generated documentation of the other voices in the debate with Justice Stefan Lindskog of the Supreme Court of Sweden has not be made available. How is it a debate at all, one might ask, when the organisers live stream ONLY one side of it? Continue reading

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