“Colour My World”

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A Long-Forgotten Echo…

For those who are newbies to the cause of defending Wikileaks, it might be interesting to read what John Young of Cryptome.org had to say to Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi back in 2010 about “the organisation”, not long before she would go off to Berlin to meet Julian Assange and get her scoop on the Afghan War Diaries. Stefania wasn’t at all phased, and neither were we, by what Young had to say. But what would she say today?

Stefania Maurizi just tweeted something today about Wikileaks, and by startling coincidence, the link takes us back to Cryptome.org:

A phrase leaps out from those last lines, as if in echo of what Young had said, years before:

[Julian Assange] represents the flip side of the government arrogance he’s fighting.”

Is that what she’s referring to in terms of the mask being thrown away? Is it a propensity to echo state-side dirty tricks strategies for discrediting truth-tellers?

There’s another phrase that would echo ironically for Christine Assange and the Australian activists / Wikileaks Party casualties she is attempting to defend – all of whom would take another bullet to protect Wikileaks and Julian Assange’s human rights. It could even cause them to hang their heads in despairing cringe:

“He’s not just outside the system; he’s outside the human connection that’s part of what holds the system together.”

It has been tragic to witness the cold, corporate responses from @wikileaks – to the “most trusted” Wikileaks Australian Citizens Alliance founders, Sam Castro and Kas Cochrane, both of whom resigned recently from the National Council of the Wikileaks Party. Ironically, the issue related to a lack of transparency, but in her recent series of tweets to Julian from the WACA account, Christine made the context amply clear:

She even spells it out:


Alas Julian largely ignores the SOS messages from his mother. They are asking him to look after his flock… and to be objective, or at least humane. Instead, he persists with a Pentagon-like MO of demonising the whistle-blowers and demanding that WACA remove his “registered trademark” from the name of their organisation. In response, Anonymous informs us that “Wikileaks” and “Assange” can be applied for as trademarks in Australia for $299, but WACA complies by replacing WikiLeaks by Whistleblowers. That’s what they are.

As the mask grows thin, one gets the impression that Julian would be better off seeking allegiance with the grass roots of Australia. They are so apt to defend their underdogs…

Many of Julian’s most faithful, diligent and influential Australian supporters, who refuse to adhere to the mis-guided “dis-endorsement” of akaWACA, are offering the same feedback. They have been pleading with Assange to stop hammering allies, lest he destroy his own credibility. There are too many dissenters now to turn everyone into Daniel Domscheit Berg. It seems however that the mask of power has tragically melded with Julian’s face and he can’t get it off.

Oh Julian… just look at yourself.

Extracts: Email ITV between journalist Stefania Maurizi and John Young (cryptome.org)

Subject: Wikileaks

Stefania Maurizi asks John Young, founder of Cryptome.org, about Wikileaks

“As far as I can see there is no journalist willing to probe deeply and at length into Wikileaks due to its masterful manipulation of media and its artful concealment of its operation under guise of necessary security. Simply put, Wikileaks behaves like a secret spy operation.”


Date: Thur, 24 Jun 2010

To: Stefania Maurizi <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

From: John Young <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

“Bear in mind that when I say spy, spies and spying, I mean anyone or any organization that operates the way official spies do — journalists, scholars, researchers, priests, government employees, citizens, businesses, and so on. Official spies operate in conjunction with these others, learn from them, hire them, give contracts to them, exchange favors — cheat, lie and steal, perhaps murder.”

Stefani Maurizi QUESTIONS, and John Young’s ANSWERS:

SM: 1) What makes you to believe that Wikileaks behaves like a secret spy operation? And who would be in charge of this op? The CIA? The Mossad? What are its purposes?

JY: All of Wikileaks operations are those of secret spying operations. Egotistical, bumbling, lack of transparency, exaggerated assurances of confidentiality, obscurity about internal affairs, unverifiable claims and assertions, asymmetry in protection (always the spy’s over the dupe’s), exaggeration of the importance of information provided, few if any admissions of errors, heroic risks from powerful enemies, and much more. Hyperbolic claims about serving the public and protecting the weak — as a “news” person you know this well.

SM: 2) Wikileaks did leak documents concerning the U.S., Britain, Israel, Germany , prominent banks like the Julius Baer Bank, etc. So it doesn’t seem to me that Wikileaks is supporting any country, don’t you think so?

JY: There is no way to tell due to lack of transparency. Spies typically cloak their operations by misleading disclosures. Nationalism is not the issue. The issue is vainglory about information control — leaks if you will, sometimes called news.

SM: 3) Even people like Daniel Ellsberg, the famous leaker of the ‘Pentagon Papers’, was skeptical about Wikileaks at the beginning. However, yesterday I had an interview with him and he told me that Wikileaks is doing a good job and he overcame the doubts he had at the beginning. Don’t you think that leaks such as the “Collateral Murder” video are great stuff?

JY: Ellsberg appears to have been duped, either by himself or by others. His fondness for public appearance to recount his personal experience is unsettling. He has repeatedly exaggerated threats to Wikileaks and Assange by invoking his own experience.

The short version of Collateral Murder was a media event. The longer version tells a different story, more nuanced and informative. “Great stuff” is hypebole for the short version. The long version is not great stuff. Wash your mouth.

SM: 4) You write that recent events indicate that deception is integral. What do you mean exactly?

JY: Lack of transparency is deception, secrecy is deception, lack of accountability is deception, misinformation about the operation is deception. Exaggeration is deception. Tweets are deception. Publicity campaigns are deception. Manipulation of the media and the public is deception. Unsupportable promises of protection of those submitting documents is deception. Some analyses of documents have been deceptive. “Wiki” is deception, Wikileaks admits that.

SM: 5) You write that recent events have put in jeopardy those who have provided information to Wikileaks. However, apart from Bradley Manning, no leakers had troubles due to leaks to Wikileaks and, starting 4 years ago, they leaked hundreds of hot documents, so I think it is a good record. Isn’t it?

JY: Due to lack of transparency there is no way of knowing who has been exposed, entrapped, extorted, quietened, censored, or worse. Only unsupported vainglorious claims have been made. It is common for spies to make such appealing claims to assure participation of sources and agents.

The hundreds of “hot documents” (hyperbole) likely include planted and orchestrated leaks. What is not known is what non-hot but information documents have been ignored for the hot ones, and now the video bombshells.

A technique used to build credibility of a spy-run outlet is seed it with alluring documents. There is no way of knowing where the documents came from. Instead, Wikileaks asserts validation by its own members, all unknown and without public substantiation — a favorite of spies and cousins, con artists and flacks — this too you know well.

SM: 6) You write: “There is a personal, legal and political risk for being duped in this matter. From my first contact with Wikileaks during its formation, this has been true.”. What do you mean exactly?

JY: Anybody who has willingly linked to Wikileaks by participation or by submission of materials is implicated in what it turns out to be, or is converted into, or changed by desperation, bribes and lure of fame. This can be used to manipulate, extort and threaten by use of supposedly confidential and secret information. This is the basic means to control participants in spying and criminal operations — suck them in then threaten exposure is a favorite of agents provocateurs and undercover cops and spies.

This is the fault and beauty of secret operations whether used by journos, sex partners, official spies, the lot of those who fear transparency and symmetry, who out of cowardice seek to gain unfair advantage.

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Alexa O’BRIEN in Sydney – Q & A with Antony Loewenstein

Legendary Australian journalist and writer Antony Loewenstein interviews Alexa D. O’Brien the evening after her appearance at the Sydney Opera House with Julian Assange, Glenn Greenwald and Robert Manne. Thanks goes to SAWC Sydney for bringing Alexa & Antony to the table; to Antony for his pointed questions (Part 1); and to Alexa for answering ours (Part 2).

Alexa D. O’Brien has become known as a “one-woman court record system” for her extensive coverage of whistleblower Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning’s trial. Alexa has also covered the WikiLeaks release of US State Department Cables, the Guantanamo Files, the global “war on terror” and the Arab Spring. In 2011 Alexa founded the US Day of Rage, a movement for democratic reform which precipitated Occupy Wall Street. She also played a key role in the lawsuit brought by Noam Chomsky and others against the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA.

Alexa D. O'Brien: 'One woman record system' for the Military Court that tried Chelsea Manning

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The world knows that 4 National Council members and Victorian candidate, Leslie Cannold – running partner to Julian Assange – recently resigned from Australia’s newly-formed Wikileaks Party. They may also be aware that a number of key volunteers, including Victoria’s social media coordinator Sean Bedlham, also threw in the towel a few days after the announcement of the Party’s election preferences.

I made a film for the Wikileaks Party to explain the significance of Senate preferences in the Australian electoral system, where the Wikileaks Party were running. It would still be of public interest however, to know why so many people felt they could no longer continue with the campaign.

Voting has now closed, and as we await the results – predicted one week ago by the bookies, the Murdoch press and, minutes ago, by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as a landslide victory for our right-wing Liberal Party – I will take a moment to explain what we, The Wikileaks Party, had intended to do in the Australian Senate.

We had realised that the Upper House, whose purpose was to review and adjudicate on the operations of government – our Lower House – had become more of a House of Deal-Making. Who better, we thought, than Julian Assange and his fellow-candidates to represent us in the Australian Senate, given Wikileaks’s outstanding record of ‘keeping the bastards honest’? God knows we’d tried taking to the streets before the Iraq War, but the man at the top had not heard our voice…

The hope of Julian Assange was based on the idea that one citizen can make a difference, and as a film-maker and citizen journalist, I decided to nail my colours to the Wikileaks mast some 3 years ago. That resulted in the making of roughly 80 films and 200 written articles on the subject of Wikileaks over the last 2 years.

Many Australians, across the political spectrum, liked the idea of a Wikileaks Party representative in the Australian Senate, and we sailed over the line to becoming a political Party. Its motto of “Truth, Transparency and Democracy” – which later mutated into “Truth, Transparency and Justice” – gave promise that we would set a precedent in political history.

When the Party collapsed, I travelled to Melbourne, from where our campaign was being run, to ask why. OMG…

Sam Castro - Why I resigned from the Wikileaks Party

Sam Castro - Why I resigned from the Wikileaks Party

My recognition of the importance of the Wikileaks struggle for transparency and democracy was inspired by the courage and rigour of Julian Assange, and the reliability of his publications. My active participation in the movement was encouraged and facilitated by the grass-roots activism of his mother, Christine Assange, and the idea that she and others conveyed to me, that this was about “Journalism with a Heart”.

I think we lost the heart somewhere along the election trail, and when she became “Inactive”, Christine’s solid moral compass. John Pilger apparently advised Julian against getting involved in Party politics, and I was reminded of this when Christine advised us to support Scott Ludlam, regardless of which Party he belonged to. That made sense, for Australians. At a time when we were floundering in grief, anger, confusion and alienation, her voice rang out to anchor us once again in common values and truth. Without Scott, you Christine, and some heart-felt apologies to our supporters, our party is over…

More revelations about the Wikileaks Party have emerged today from Gary Lord – aka Jaraparilla – who was a member of the WLP National Council for about a week. We discover now why he didn’t need to step down, contrary to legal advice he’d received from within the Party. We also learn of an unexpected connection between Wikileaks and James Ashby?? and of why the Party became divided. ‘Where’s That Party Review?’ is definitely a must-read…

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Wikileaks Party for the Australian Senate

Whatever your choice of political party for government in the House of Representatives, you can still vote for the Wikileaks Party in the Senate.

Go The Leeks! - Click to enlarge

The WikiLeaks Party stands for unswerving commitment to the core principles of civic courage nourished by understanding and truthfulness and the free flow of information. It is a party that will practise in politics what WikiLeaks has done in the field of information by standing up to the powerful and shining a light on injustice and corruption.

The Constitution of the WikiLeaks Party lists its objectives which include the protection of human rights and freedoms; transparency of governmental and corporate action, policy and information; recognition of the need for equality between generations; and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination.

Julian Assange: Wikileaks Party Candidate for Victoria

The Wikileaks Party’s most prominent candidate, running in the State of Victoria, is Julian Assange, the founder and editor in chief of WikiLeaks. He states:

“The values of transparency and accountability and resistance under pressure that I have developed through hard experience with WikiLeaks, that is what we intend to take to Canberra.”

Running in New South Wales is lawyer and Human Rights activist Kellie Tranter, who has delivered addresses, chaired workshops and participated in public debates on issues like climate change, human rights and gender equality at local, national and international conferences, including speeches opposing unjustified wars and economic exploitation.

Kellie Tranter: Wikileaks Party Candidate for NSW

For Western Australia the lead candidate is Gerry Georgatos, a life-long human rights and social justice campaigner, investigative journalist and PhD researcher in Australian Custodial Systems and Deaths in Custody. He founded Students Without Borders, with one of its initiatives recycling and refurbishing computers, becoming the largest computer recycling program in Australia. Gerry has travelled widely among remote Aboriginal communities and extensively researched Aboriginal homelessness, poverty, imprisonment and suicide rates. He has been a long-time staunch refugee rights advocate, visiting immigration detention centres, an anti-drugs campaigner working alongside the vulnerable and a life-long freedom of speech campaigner. His advocacy in fighting racism has been longstanding and he has completed two Masters topically covering racism and the ways forward.

Gerry Georgatos: Wikileaks Party Candidate for WA

For a complete overview of the other Candidates, the Wikileaks Party National Council, its Constitution and Policies, and information on how to become a Member and DONATE! please visit the Party’s website at wikileaksparty.org.au.

Most importantly, if you would like “The Leeks” to receive a STRONG primary vote:


If you don’t live in Australia, there is unfortunately no Wikileaks Party in your country, yet…

Wikileaks Party Artwork by Mark Rastrick- click to enlarge

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Why is it important to have a Wikileaks Party in Australia? Perhaps, no more important than to have one in the US, New Zealand, Canada or the UK, since these countries form the “5 EYES” alliance which surveilles every citizen in the world. When Wikileaks released the “Spy Files” in 2011, it claimed the existence of a global spying network, a secret new industry spanning 25 countries. Edward Snowden has now given us proof, and reveals that Australia houses four facilities which contribute to a key American intelligence collection program.

Journalist Phillip Dorling tells us where…

“The US Australian Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap near Alice Springs and three Australian Signals Directorate facilities: the Shoal Bay Receiving Station near Darwin, the Australian Defence Satellite Communications Facility at Geraldton and the naval communications station HMAS Harman outside Canberra are among contributors to the NSA’s collection program codenamed X-Keyscore.”

Sydney held a PRISM-BREAK meeting 2 days ago, in response to Edward Snowden’s revelations. Wikileaks Party National Council Member Cassie FINDLAY pledged to uncover the extent to which Australian citizens have been spied upon by foreign intelligence agencies, on the behest of our own government.

This however is not just a Wikileaks party… Rachel Evans from the Australian Socialist Alliance paid passionate tribute to Venezuela, Honduras and Ecuador for their support of the whistle-blower Edward Snowden.

David Campbell from the Australian Pirate Party explained how PRISM surveillance violates the UN’s international declaration of human rights. He cites:

“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence.”

IT specialist and member of the Support Assange and Wikileaks Coalition Matt Watt talks about the extent of PRISM surveillance.

And in Melbourne, international speaker for the PRISM-BREAK event was Vince Emanuele, who is a former US Marine of two tours to Iraq. Vince refused to go to Iraq again by laying down his weapon. He is now organiser for the Michigan chapter of Veterans for Peace and serves of the national Board of Directors of Iraq Veterans Against the War. He also hosts the Veterans Unplugged radio program on Radio WIMS, Michigan.

Vince is currently on a speaking tour of Australia. He had this to say in Melbourne, and his general message is… don’t go there Australia!

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Julian Assange talks about the NSA, Edward Snowden and what The Wikileaks Party can do for Australia.

“We might think that the Internet is a place where we are all equals and we all communicate. It is a new civilian world, a new world where we can develop our ideas and understandings about how planet earth actually works. Where in some sense we are all equal because we can all communicate to everyone. They may not want to listen… but if they do they can send it to anyone. But it is not an equal place. This week’s revelations have proved that it is very far from an equal place, and it is very far from a civilian place.

The Internet has been transformed into a militarily occupied state. When all of our private communications, heart felt, the inner core of our life, communications between boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, between business partners, even between bureaucracies and states; when all those communications are swept up, hovered up into a vast collection apparatus, indexed and stored for all time available only to a select few… then we are in the situation where we have a tank on the street of the inner core of our lives, where we have a soldier under our bed, listening to everything that a husband and wife says to one another when they are communicating by email or sms. The penetration of the digital on civilian life is also the penetration of the military and intelligence agencies of civilian life.”
Julian Assange (full transcript)

Wikileaks Party National Council Member Cassie Findlay spoke out in July 6th 2013, at the Sydney PRISM-BREAK rally, in response to the revelations of Edward Snowden. She pledges to uncover the extent to which Australian citizens have been spied upon by foreign intelligence agencies, at the behest of our own government.

“The Wikileaks Party in the Australian Senate will demand that security agencies and the rest of government come clean on what they’ve signed up to with PRISM and other surveillance programs. An Abbott or a Rudd led government will inevitably steer us into ever more secretive arrangements with foreign intelligence bodies, with our own telecommunications providers and with our own internet service providers. Rather than going with a rubber stamp for a sweeping surveillance by these foreign powers and providers, our Party will ins ist on knowing the full story of surveillance and data collection, and fight to give the power back to the Australian people, to decide what rights to privacy and liberty we deserve.”

The Australian Wikileaks salute... a double peace sign

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All Rise for The War on Truth

June 3rd 2013 was one of the most important and critical days in modern history. It marked the beginning of the estimated 3 month trial of young Bradley Manning, a US Military Private ‘First Class’, who allegedly communicated national defence information to an unauthorised source, and thus aided the enemy. The US Government has already accepted Manning’s plea of guilty to many lesser charges, which could get him locked away for 20 years, but it has decided to pursue the more serious, afore-mentioned charges as well.

The “aiding the enemy” charge carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, or the death penalty, if the military judge decides to over-ride the government’s preference not to call for Manning’s execution. These more serious charges will also attempt to criminalise the involvement of Julian Assange from the Wikileaks organisation. It is alleged that after attempting to deliver his evidence of war crimes to the NY Times and Washington Post, Manning uploaded the material anonymously to the Wikileaks website. If Assange is charged with conspiracy to commit espionage, he could face a maximum sentence of life imprisonment or the death penalty.

Clark Stoeckley (court room artist) recently reported on RT that the Wikileaks Grand Jury prosecutors are now sitting in the second row at Bradley Manning’s trial. First, the war on disobedience; next, the war on truth… but oh, how the blinkers are becoming ineffective to the eyes of the world. Thanks to Manning, Assange, Hammond, O’Brien, Ellsberg, Swartz and another army – of truth-tellers – we are informed!

Reading the transcript of Day One’s proceedings, one learns of the USG’s somewhat confused opinions: that Bradley Manning’s actions were motivated by self-interest and to “help Wikileaks”. As for the “aiding the enemy” charge, the prosecution makes it “clear” that Manning’s capital crime hinges upon (whom it considers to be) America’s “adversaries” and “enemies” having access to the internet. One would hope that objections are raised, if only for the reason that motive and opinion are not supposed to be considered at this stage of the trial.

That no possible motivation has been conceived of by the USG, regarding the war crimes Bradley Manning so rightly denounced under international law, demonstrates a legal bias of divisionism. The rationale seems to be: they are not Americans, so the lives of those victims don’t matter. Some “patriots” might agree with Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg, who pointed out on the eve of the trial, that tens of thousands of US soldiers would still be in harm’s way if it weren’t for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, but as Doctor Douglas Rokke pointed out… who at the top of the chain of command cares about them?

The Pentagon assigned Dr Rokke the task of cleaning up the “toxic wasteland” left by depleted uranium bombs after the War in the Gulf. In a thought-provoking lecture, he states that although only a couple of hundred soldiers were wounded in active combat, almost a quarter of a million, including Dr Rokke, got sick in the years that followed from radiation exposure. He also says that the troops were denied health care, and that he was instructed to lie about the dangers of depleted uranium, so that the US could continue to use it in future combat. “The aim, ladies and gentlemen, is to kill the enemy… every last one of them.” And depleted uranium was used again, to harm enemy and US soldier alike.

Bradley Manning’s trial should not be happening within the chain of command of a US military court. His loss of confidence in that chain of command and his adherence to international law warrants the judgement of an international court. This trial must be opened to the eyes of the world, and in the interest of humanity – not just the US, and not just the few.

Private ‘First Class’ Bradley Manning stands trial for allegedly communicating national defence information to an unauthorised source and aiding the enemy, amongst numerous other state sponsored charges, but is the prosecution’s case about anything else than disobedience to (what has been forced on the world as) “Authority”? And is the real enemy the common man, wherever he/she lives?

The inhumane treatment suffered by Bradley Manning has been described by many, including Special Rapporteur for the UN, Juan Mendez, as torture, and his prosecution as a show trial, but this is not just about Bradley Manning. Neither does it focus exclusively on Julian Assange. Whilst it does indeed involve these courageous and defiant men’s lives – their liberty already curtailed, and their life under serious threat – this is an information war: what the less powerful among us have the right to know, and what the powerful must be obliged to articulate.

The state in this matter, the U.S.A. with prudent forethought, has left legal definitions extremely broad and without clarity. Even when ordered to define what they mean by ‘terrorist’, in a recent court ruling with regards to the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA), the Obama administration’s lawyers refused to do so.

Pandora’s Box is well and truly open for complete corporate-state control over the international flow of information, while in the US, over the most fundamental press freedom – source protection – falls into jeopardy. We have just witnessed the Obama administration’s raid on the Associated Press (AP), seizing two months of its emails and phone logs, and Fox News reporter James Rosen’s phone records were also taken by the state – actions that could well be described as Orwellian surveillance in nature. Six government whistle-blowers have been charged by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act, while the inner workings of power become increasingly opaque.

“Once there are no Mannings or Assanges, once no one is willing to take risks to expose the crimes of empire, there will be no freedom of the press.”

Chris Hedges

Michael Ratner, President Emeritus of the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR), President of the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), and legal representative for Wikileaks in the U.S.A., recently commented on the Bradley Manning trial;

“The government has decided in the most repressive way possible…to hit dissent, whistle-blowing and journalism with a sledge hammer. There is no doubt about it. I consider us to be at a critical juncture, and the internet is what has brought us here. There is now a tremendous amount of information available and very smart people out there. Secrets of criminality are harder and harder to hide. So what the government wants to do is really send a message to all of us, all of us, all the people up here, all of you, everybody in the military, every journalist who has a source, every source. You disclose our secrets, and you will be punished with a sledge hammer, and that is what they are doing.”

“… and Bradley’s (Manning) case in particular – I’ve been a lawyer for 40 years – has pleaded guilty to a charge that can get him 20 years in prison. In any reasonable society, that had any care at all, that would be the end of the matter. But it’s not, they now want to go and prove the most serious charge: espionage. Aiding the enemy, which actually carries the death penalty – which the government says it won’t ask for – but who knows what a judge would or could do? He certainly has a good chance of getting convicted of charges that could get him life in prison. Ask yourself, why are we doing this? It’s obvious, because they (the state) don’t want the truth disclosed.”

“Three hundred and fifty journalists applied to cover the trial tomorrow which is fantastic. The question I want to ask is…..where have they been month after month?”

There is one journalist who has been there throughout Bradley Manning’s ordeal. The extraordinary citizen journalist, Alexa O’Brien, has covered every single minute of United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning. For all details, transcripts and more: http://www.alexaobrien.com/secondsight/archives.html

Alexa O'Brien, nominated for the Martha Gelhorn Prize for outstanding contribution to journalism

More from Michael Ratner:

“Some of the most crucial parts of that (Pre) Trial, when Manning described his torture – one of the hardest days I have ever spent in the court room – I was just crying when I heard Bradley Manning describe… And then when I was there for his guilty plea and twenty year possible sentence, again… articulate incredible reasons, politically, for each piece of information that he took off the computers and uploaded to Wikileaks. Incredibly articulate. Did the media cover it? Not even there. What did they cover? They cover instead, Bradley Manning’s psychological state, or Julian Assange’s psychological state, or what is going on personal for them. The question we ought to be asking is not what did Bradley Manning do. The question we ought to be asking is WHY aren’t they out there asking – the U.S. government ought to be held accountable for the (seeming) crimes of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange”

“Such acts of courage and patriotism… should be encouraged rather than stifled.”

Barrack Obama speaking about whistle-blowers, whist a candidate for the Presidency…

“Last week we heard Obama, now he’s going to have a shield law for journalists; journalists he claims are not co-conspirators with other journalists. That’s Julian Assange… I would say LOL, laughing out loud, except Bradley Manning is in the Brig, Julian Assange is in the embassy, Jeremy Hammond was forced to plead guilty to a ten year count, and there are countless others that this government is going after”.

“We are at an incredibly important moment because we are going to have to struggle over whether we will have a government in which we know what it’s doing; know its criminality; know its hypocrisy; know its corruption… Or will they close up every hole they have, and will we just be blind people walking through the street; not knowing what our government does? All out to support Bradley Manning tomorrow, and for the next number of months, he’s there. Support Bradley Manning. Thank you”.

2011 recipient of the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling, co-recipient of the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) award, former senior executive of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), and a decorated United States Air Force and United States Navy veteran whistle-blower, Thomas Drake had this to say:

“Informed decisionary is the heart of our democracy…. The executive branch of this government is increasingly ruling through secrecy and propaganda, and shielding its very conduct from the press and public accountability. (Bradley) Manning exposed the dark shadows of our National Security regime and our foreign policy follies, and as our government opts out of liberty and severely erodes the very basis of democracy at home and abroad, those that condemn and vilify Bradley (Manning) only serve to promote and preserve the projection of secret unbridled power while personally pathologising onto Bradley manning misplaced threats and fears, attacking messenger and displacing the message.

“And so I say his acts of civil disobedience, given by the courage of his character and conviction of his conscience, strike at the very heart and core of the very critical issue surrounding our National Security, our public and foreign policy, openness and transparency as well as the unprecedented and relentless campaign by this (Obama) administration to snuff out and silence truth tellers and whistle blowers, and a deliberate and assault on the First Amendment”

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights.

Jesselyn Radack, former ethics adviser to the United States Department of Justice and DoJ writer of TRAITOR: The Whistle-blower and the “American Taliban”, National Security & Human Rights Director of the Government Accountability Project (an organisation for whistle blowers) had this to say:

“There is a war on information going on in this country, it’s a war on whistle blowers, it’s a war on hacktivists, and now it’s turning into a war on journalists… You used to have to choose your conscience over your career, but now you have to choose it over your very freedom”

“I would like to remind the President ….. There already is a shield law for journalists, it’s the First Amendment of the United States” – Peter Van Buren.
Van Buren is a Meritorious Honour Award and Superior Honour Award winner. He has worked extensively with the military, with 23 years in the U.S. Foreign Service. He’s the author of: “We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People”, and a journalist for Mother Jones and The Nation.

Daniel Ellsberg, former US military analyst who released the Pentagon Papers in 1971, ending the Vietnam War; who was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 2006; who was recipient of the Inaugural Ron Ridenhour Courage Prize; who accepted the Gandhi Peace Award in 1978 for Promoting Enduring Peace, and who is now representing the Freedom of the Press Foundation… Daniel said on the eve of Bradley Manning’s trial:

“Speaking truth to Power, that’s what I did. That was my job….. It took me a long time to realise, longer than Bradley Manning, which impresses me, that it did not have any effect… As Noam Chomsky says: “Power knows the truth”. (On Medea Benjamin’s interruption during a recent speech) President Obama said: “Let her speak – of course I don’t agree with what she says.” It made me think… now I don’t believe that. Which part of what she said didn’t he agree with? That there are presently people on a hunger strike protesting years at Guantanamo? That he could, as President and Commander in Chief, get them out of there in a day by signing a paper? No, he knows better than that, but the people out there who heard that on television didn’t”.

“Why is Obama doing this? Why more prosecutions than George W. Bush, or all the other Presidents put together? There has been a change over the last two years. The government is arguing that Bradley Manning is not a whistle-blower, and all of his critics and opponents are saying he’s no whistle-blower. The fact is that not one person has been shown to be harmed by what he did, neither a troop nor otherwise. On the other hand, tens of thousands of troops, men and women, would be in harm’s way in Iraq, right now, if it were not for Bradley manning and Wikileaks.”

“That (Wikileaks) revelation in the Iraqi press led to the Iraqi opposition (demanding) that no Americans could stay in the country under risk of committing atrocities, which was a daily occurrence, with immunity from Iraqi prosecution, since Americans would not prosecute atrocities they were aware of… Obama couldn’t risk it without immunity (leaving troops in Iraq). He couldn’t risk the kind of atrocities that he saw on the video (known as Collateral Murder) that Bradley Manning put out. He couldn’t risk Iraqi prosecution.”

This point made by Daniel Ellsberg is one of the most important pieces of information that all Americans, and all people outside of America must deeply understand. That American military personnel, when acting in foreign nations, do so almost entirely with impunity from any form of discipline, from any side. When daily atrocities and war crimes are being committed (as Bradley Manning’s heroic releases have revealed) and when war has become a corporate-sponsored, state-run program of genocide (as Wikileaks cables have clearly shown they are), is there any civilised and dignified human being or civilian populous that wouldn’t, if informed, be outraged and aggrieved?

The question must be asked, was not Barrack Obama outraged?

Why is it that Bradley Manning and Julian Assange’s Wikileaks organisation are suffering such attacks, not only from the American military industrial complex, but almost every corporate mainstream media (MSM) outlet in the West? Are they knowingly complicit? Earning favour perhaps?

One could say Silence is Betrayal, but this goes way beyond silence, to persecution and propaganda on a global scale.

Aaron Swartz had this to say on Internet freedom;

“If we lost the ability to communicate with each other over the Internet, it would be a change to the Bill of Rights. The freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution, the freedoms our country had been built on would be suddenly deleted.”

“The enemies of the freedom to connect have not disappeared. The fire in those politicians’ eyes hasn’t been put out. There are a lot of people, a lot of powerful people, who want to clamp down on the Internet. And to be honest, there aren’t a whole lot who have a vested interest in protecting it from all of that..….We can’t let that happen”.

Whether we agree or disagree about our governments’ wishes to seize total control, one thing is for sure, gallant are our whistle-blowers and they are our true heroes, having humanity at the forefront of their conscience. They have shown us the way forward, humbly… and both Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are as courageous as any. Lead on noble beings, we have to stop this Kangaroo Court, for both are worthy of our utmost efforts to help them to continue to help us.


However the USG continues to condemn, vilify and martyrise Bradley Manning, his words and actions will have heralded a watershed moment in history, for thus was born our certitude that every human being has the right to know:

“I want people to see the truth regardless of who they are, because without information we cannot make informed decisions as a public.”

“ “Now is the time to stand with Bradley Manning, …we are Bradley Manning”

Thomas Drake

Editorial by Colin Mirgis & Cathy Vogan

Posted in EDITORIAL, LIVING PROOF, NEWS | 4 Comments

Good luck Bradley Manning. Sydney loves you :)

Sydney-siders come out to well-wish the young soldier Bradley Manning

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The most likely way out of Gitmo is to die…

What is this hell we call Gitmo? Whose idea was it to detain people there indefinitely without charges? Why can’t even the President of the United States find a way to resolve the plight of at least the 86 men who have been cleared for “immediate” release but are still stuck in the detention camp? What, or who is causing the inertia?

Why is Obama suggesting it’s Congress, when there is a clause in the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) that permits him, as the Commander in Chief, to fulfil the promise he made repeatedly during his 2008 campaign, to shut down this appalling violation of human rights? What has Obama really done to close, or not close Guantanamo?

For those who haven’t been aware of what Gitmo is like, consult The Justice Campaign, the Freedom of The Press Foundation and of course Wikileaks.

In a recent press conference about Guantanamo detainees, 106 of whom have been on a hunger strike for over 100 days now, Barrack Obama did nothing more than deplore the fact that the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp was located on foreign soil; announce that he had asked Congress to transfer the prisoners to the US; and say that he was lifting the moratorium on the repatriation of Yemeni prisoners.

The President specified however that these men would not be released immediately, but subjected to a case by case investigation – presumably again, since they were already cleared. The President was understandably heckled by Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin, and in no uncertain terms, told to “get real”.

If the Gitmo transfer ever happens, one would hope for the rule of law to apply, eventually… But after 11 years of unjust detainment, deprivation and torture, most of Obama’s captives have had it, and have have opted for death by starvation. It is after all, the most likely way now to exit Guantanamo.

To prevent this mass exodus in body bags however, the prisoners are being force-fed on a round the clock regime. It would seem that the US will not even let these men die in dignity…

A small group of us attended the US Consulate in Sydney in solidarity with those on hunger strike and the international day of action to close Guantanamo Bay.

Force-feeding is the ultimate tyranny, for those who only want to give up and die

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