Tag Archives: Assange

Julian Assange’s ‘Alternate’ Future

I published ‘March to Canberra with Christine Assange’ on June 19 2012, about 6 hours after Julian Assange entered the Ecuadorian Embassy. I had begun to take notes on a history that would repeat itself. Just over 10 years ago, Julian … Continue reading

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TALES OF A CITIZEN JOURNALIST – Part 2: Christine Assange

“The Wikileaks Tapes” is a labour of love and it was a very unexpected adventure which began the day I met Christine Assange. She had been consulting my blog at thing2thing.com and I guess she trusted that I was willing … Continue reading

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We thank Newcastle Trades Hall Council for submitting their recent letter to Prime Minister Gillard regarding Julian Assange, both in .pdf format and as text, with links they would like the PM to visit and consult. To preserve these links, … Continue reading

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Parmi les loups… (among wolves)

It would seem… that Forbes Magazine’s London Bureau Chief Parmy Olson is set to fan a few flames for Julian Assange on June 5th with her new book: “We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the … Continue reading

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Red Nose Day…

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I hev translated ze title!

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No Secrets about Collateral Murder

A first-hand report on the making of “Collateral Murder” by The New Yorker’s reporter Raffi Khatchadourian, with a wide-ranging backgrounder on Assange and Wikileaks. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/06/07/100607fa_fact_khatchadourian#ixzz19n1GUouS “He had come to understand the defining human struggle not as left versus right, or faith versus … Continue reading

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Buy One – Get One Free!

This beautiful Wikileaks designer garment features a US Critical Foreign Dependencies motif and “nothing up my sleeve” transparency. Become an instant citizen-journalist and wear it with pride on World Press Freedom Day… For every shirt you buy, we offer one absolutely … Continue reading

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Digital Anarchy and Wikileaks

Patrick Lichty, assistant professor of Media Theory at the Columbia College in Chicago talks about Antonio Negri’s conception of cognitive capital as locus of power, that now asymmetrically challenges that of material capital. Continue reading

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